Artist Ekrem Yalcindag Collector Edition Double-Sided Jigsaw Puzzle
b.1964 Adiyaman, Turkey
Live Video of Jigsaw Puzzle: Click Here
Front of Puzzle Title: Colors-Colors-Colors
Back of Puzzle Title: Impressions from the streets
Jigsaw Puzzle Size: Double-Sided Round
Jigsaw Puzzle 19" Round (482.6mm x 482.6mm) 300 Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces, ESKA Premium Board. FSC 100% Recycled Paper. Gloss Finish.
This special custom-made round puzzle is a double-sided puzzle with complex and engaging imagery and brilliant colors. With a special die-cutting process, this unique puzzle will keep you working on it for hours of entertainment. The double-sided challenge will keep your eyes on alert for sure!
Collector Edition of 20 + 2AP
Level: Complex and Fun
Signature Details:
Original Artwork:
Circle Floral Painting : Title: ”Colors-Colors-Colors”
Circle Painting: Title: ”Impressions from the streets”
The images are based on two important paintings by Ekrem Yalcindag. The puzzle presents both and back with unique images. With the use of colors yellow, red and blue and spectrum of color, fundamentally used and questioned by so many artists throughout Art History, Yalcindag impressed and inspires diverse contrasts and illusions. He makes reference particularly to Matisse's late paper "cut-outs", and draws his inspiration for the title "contrast" from the bilateral relations between the master’s colors.
Artist Certificate: Each puzzle comes with an artist certificate.
Biography: Yalcindag makes reference particularly to Matisse's late paper "cut-outs", and draws his inspiration for the title "contrast" from the bilateral relations between the master’s colors. Adopting a motif-based approach to the relationship between color and form, Ekrem Yalçındağ explores how contemporary art can relate to traditional art. He takes a particular interest in how the Byzantine and Ottoman decorative arts can influence the language of contemporary art. His paintings, incorporating decorative features that have been painstakingly executed with the finest of brushes, have color schemes that range from monochromatic to polychromatic. Although his canvases may seem to consist of the repeated depiction of a single form, they actually show a vast diversity. We sense that every tessellation in Yalçındağ’s painting has been placed in the composition with mathematical precision, creating the effect of an optical illusion. The wall painting, ‘Contrasts’, take its name from his use of primary colors and their contrasts, as well as his use of black and white. It is a contemporary interpretation of the relationship of the decorative tradition with its display spaces.